Reclaiming a young life requires that a lot of people come together, united in purpose and resolve. The Van Zandt County Juvenile Probation Department actively facilitates collaboration among city, county and state agencies, law enforcement agencies, schools, courts, churches, businesses, civic groups, volunteers, parents and many others to remove barriers and create opportunities that enable youth to take their place as productive, socially well adjusted members of the community.

We serve children, ages 10 through 16, who have been referred by:
- Law Enforcement Agency
- School
- Parent or Guardian

Because we aim to help young people before laws or school rules are irreparably broken, the department’s services are equally available to any family in the community experiencing problems with a youth. Our professional staff can assess risks, identify needs and suggest an appropriate plan of action. Ideally, families will learn healthy, adaptive behaviors by accessing the department’s services, avoiding the need for future intervention.